Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cedar is evil.

I know this is not a new topic or issue for anyone that lives in Texas and is in possession of a respiratory system. But Cedar season blows. I have been hiding inside for the last two, maybe three weeks and STILL it won't go away.
Last year I decided to be all proactive with it. So I joined a research study thinking,"I'll feel good AND get paid big bucks! Whooo! Ice cream for all!". This was a lie. I started the study last week and all I can say is.....I'm pretty sure I got the placebo.
I haven't felt as disgusting as I do right now since I woke up from day drinking one 4th of July with a cut on my knee and chicken bones on my bed. But I digress.
You see, with a study you can't take any other medications. Not only that but you also can't use a Neti pot, herbal tea or anything, frankly, that might make you NOT want to feel like dying. I've been completely unproductive and dragging major ass for the last week.
So last night I gave up. I popped 2 claritin and a couple of Benedryl. I was still stuffy after that and am still not 100%, but at least I don't feel like my head is about to explode from the snot pressure.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bacon Love.

So. I love bacon. There. I said it. It is the meat that I most cherish. In that same realm, I love the BLT.
I woke up this morning with a foot in one side and a snore in the other. My 5 year old and my husband were fighting for priority with my senses. Did I mention that the foot was cold? At least as cold as it gets here in Texas.
I rolled out of bed at the crack of 6:30 and immediately started thinking about the meals that I (most likely) have to prepare for the day. My first thought went to that totally awesome Applewood Farms bacon in the fridge. Mmmmm. Bacon.
So I cooked it in the oven, forced myself to make pancakes and then, as any normal functioning human being would, hid four slices of bacon in the fridge. In an old sour cream container.
If your family is anything like mine, we fight over who gets the last slice. I outsmarted them. Much like hiding a beer in the toilet tank, I disguised my bacon like something that none of them would touch.
Generally, I like to eat my BLT on a toasted piece of sour dough bread. We were out. Because of this, I discovered something that many people already know. Bacon + Pita bread = Mmmmm.
I also didn't have a tomato. Or lettuce. Discovery #2- Bacon + cucumber + spinach = Something that isn't a BLT, but is super delish.
I don't know. Maybe call it a BCS?
I ate it too fast to take a photo. Sorry.